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Re: Acces sectiune cereri/request

Mesajde Mike_XXX » Mar Mar 21, 2023 8:17 am

E doar un singur admin [zeul internetului] și văd că nu prea zice nimic...
Restul moderatorilor NU au acces la 'butoanele' forumului.
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Video Chat Forum

Re: Acces sectiune cereri/request

Mesajde faustinul » Mar Mar 21, 2023 8:42 am

pol » Mar Mar 21, 2023 12:46 am scrie:pana la urma se mai poate intra la sectiunea cereri >>>? sau e inchisa pt majoritatea din noi? macar sa stim.
nici un admin nu zice nimic?

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Re: Acces sectiune cereri/request

Mesajde Razvanrazvi95 » Mar Mar 21, 2023 4:18 pm

Nu are nimeni posibilitatea sa intrebe adminul?
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Re: Acces sectiune cereri/request

Mesajde rmst » Mar Mar 21, 2023 5:33 pm

Avand in vedere situatia neplacuta,vad ca pentru multi,va rog,evitati mesajele si mai ales repetitive de tip Up,da,nu,e buna,emoticoane s.a.m.d.Inteleg ca vreti sa ajungeți la un număr de mesaje,dar nu asa,nu mesaje tip spam.
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Re: acces restrictionat la sectiunea cereri?

Mesajde onanistulMS » Mie Mar 22, 2023 4:15 am

curios este ca lumea posteaza acolo.
Poate noi astia labarii ce nu cotizam nu avem access.
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Re: acces restrictionat la sectiunea cereri?

Mesajde onanistulMS » Mie Mar 22, 2023 5:17 am

este clar o restrictie pt membrii cu rating mic
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Re: acces restrictionat la sectiunea cereri?

Mesajde SonOfJudah » Mie Mar 22, 2023 5:31 am

pt. a vedea si posta acolo trebuie sa fiti PREMIUM Users, minim 100 mesaje.. asa ca daca vreti access postati si voi fara jena
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Re: acces restrictionat la sectiunea cereri?

Mesajde Ab12cd345 » Mie Mar 22, 2023 6:57 am

Deci doar userii premium mai pot vedea ?
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Re: acces restrictionat la sectiunea cereri?

Mesajde Ab12cd345 » Mie Mar 22, 2023 7:08 am

Pana la urma cred ca era cea mai populara sectiune de pe forum
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Re: acces restrictionat la sectiunea cereri?

Mesajde SonOfJudah » Mie Mar 22, 2023 8:12 am

toti care posteaza acolo au f. multe mesaje scrie pe forum chiar daca e doar "up" deci pt cei care doar se uita accesul este INCHIS
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Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde Zeul Internetului » Mie Mar 22, 2023 10:18 am

Secțiunea "Cereri / Request" este premium-only, momentan.
Asta din cauza unei plîngeri primite de host.

Buna ziua,

Am primit urmatorul abuse referitor la site-ul dvs onanisti.ro.
In acest caz, din pacate, noi nu va mai putem gazdui pe serverele noastre si va recomandam cautarea unei alte solutii de hosting.
Aveti termen pana vineri la ora 11.00, atunci contul va fi suspendat.
Dear Hosterion SRL team,
I am writing to inform you that the website https://onanisti.ro/ hosted on your servers is being used for illegal activities. The website is being used to target and exploit individuals by leaking their private, intimate, and personally identifiable information on a forum.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that some of the people being exploited on that website are being targeted personally, blackmailed, or threatened. This is causing great harm to them and their families. The information shared on the website is being used to manipulate, harass, and intimidate them.

As a responsible hosting provider, it is important that you take immediate action to remove the website from your servers and prevent any further illegal activities from being carried out. I understand that Hosterion SRL has a strong commitment to ensuring that its services are not used for unlawful purposes. Therefore, I urge you to investigate this issue and take appropriate measures to address it.

Please let me know if you require any further information from me to assist with your investigation. I would appreciate it if you could confirm that you have received this email and that you will take swift action to address this issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[email protected]

Buna ziua!
Va multumesc. Sunteti un host serios si nu as dori sa plec la alt host.
Eu sunt dispus sa sterg ceea ce imi spuneti dumneavoastra ca nu este in regula.
Impreuna cu moderatorii, de ceva timp, stergem numerele de telefon si numele reale. In conformitate cu prevederile GDPR.
Multumesc inca o data si astept mesajul dumneavoastra.
cu deosebita consideratie,

Buna ziua,

Va multumim pentru intelegere,
Vom solicita mai multe detalii si vom reveni cu o notificare catre dvs.

Cu respect,
Răzvan Rusu - Hosterion

Buna ziua!
Va multumesc. Sunteti un host serios si nu as dori sa plec la alt host.
Eu sunt dispus sa sterg ceea ce imi spuneti dumneavoastra ca nu este in regula.
Impreuna cu moderatorii, de ceva timp, stergem numerele de telefon si numele reale. In conformitate cu prevederile GDPR.
Multumesc inca o data si astept mesajul dumneavoastra.
cu deosebita consideratie,

Thank you for your response,

Primarily, this request relates to most of (if not all of) content in the following section:

CLUBUL LABAGIILOR • Vizualizare forum - Cereri / Requests

(Cereri / Requests)

While the term “requests” does not constitute any offence and can be presumed entirely innocent, the actual use of that section is clearly to identify, locate and/or expose individuals and their personal information in addition to share and distribute sensitive, intimate or personal content without the creator’s consent or knowledge.

From the top few posts on the forum page you can see the attached images:


These images were collected after spending just 5 minutes on the website.

In Romania, sharing identifiable information related to personal and intimate images without someone's knowledge and consent can be considered a violation of privacy and will be subject to legal action. This type of behavior is typically categorized as revenge porn and is punishable by law.

The act of sharing such images or videos without the explicit consent of the person depicted is punishable under Article 226 of the Romanian Criminal Code, which criminalizes the unauthorized distribution of intimate images or videos.

In addition, the forum itself is concentrated around the sharing of copyrighted material, and whilst this is not our primary concern, this should be a concern of your hosting company, especially now that you have been notified of the activity.

Hosterion’s Terms of Service, specifies very clearly:

> It is forbidden to host illegal material. These include, but are not limited to:
> software pirated or any material that infringes copyright
> unlicensed MP3s
> books or other texts in electronic format that infringes copyright
> sending spam (unsolicited commercial emails). Any customer who wants to send newsletters (or in general a large number of emails) must have built the database by subscribing with confirmation (confirmed opt-in) and have Hosterion's approval to send these emails.

Taking this into consideration, you should also be aware, that the forum actively promotes and allows for the sharing of contacts and facilitation of “escort” services listed here: viewforum.php?f=23 (Escorte)

Prostitution in Romania is illegal and is considered a criminal offense under the Romanian Penal Code. Specifically, the following acts listed and accessible via the website are related to prostitution and are punishable by law:

- Offering or providing sexual services in exchange for payment or any other form of compensation (Article 210 of the Romanian Penal Code).
- Soliciting, inducing or facilitating prostitution (Article 211 of the Romanian Penal Code).

We could continue to share information, however, it is clear that this website is being used to conduct various illegal activities and clearly in some cases, without the knowledge of the individual being targeted. As already outlined in the original notification, this has also resulted in multiple violations of individual’s privacy and invasions into their personal lives, including anonymous / fake profiles threatening, blackmailing and harassing some of the victims posted on the website.

Please also understand that there are over 1,400 “topics” related to the request and sharing of media in the requests section alone and that it’s frequented daily by 100’s if not 1000’s of visitors. In addition, the administrator of the website actively removed a profile created by ourselves to warn of the actions being conducted on the forum and the potential legal implications.

This clearly demonstrates that the website owner or forum administrator is aware of the activities on the website and the legal implications but has continued to support the activity.

Furthermore, the domain name “onanisti” translates to “wanker” and represents obscene / pornagraphic words, which also violates multiple terms of your service, namely:

- domain names of bad taste;
- names incorporating foul languages;
- names that are injurious to public order or to public sensibilities;
- domain names with offending character;
- domain names with obscene or pornographic words;

We trust that this information, have provided you with enough reasons to take action to remove or suspend this website in a timely fashion in order to ensure good-standing, reputation protection and to prevent escalation of this matter.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reply.

[email protected]

Buna dimineata!
Am citit cu interes mesajul citat.
Sectiunea "Cereri / Requests" contine 1400 de topic-uri. Mi-e greu sa cred ca toate sunt "ilegale".
Totusi, ca sa dau dovada de bunavointa, am scos aria respectiva din zona publica a forumului. Va rog sa verificati.
In legatura cu sectiunea "Escorte". Am verificat in Noul Cod Penal si articolele 210 si 211 se refera la traficul de persoane. Si respectiv traficul de minori. Ceea ce nu este cazul aici.
Prostitutia nu mai este incriminata in Romania, inca din anul 2014.
Dar daca dumneavoastra considerati ca acea sectiune incalca regulile de gazduire, sunt dispus sa o elimin si pe aceea. Doar sa ma anuntati.
Acuma, in legatura cu numele onanisti.ro. Deja reclamantul exagereaza.
RoTLD, la articolul 33 (din regulile de inregistrare https://rotld.ro/reguli-de-inregistrare/ ) interzice numele de domnii obscene sau pornografice. Dupa cum se poate vedea la rubrica WHOIS ( https://rotld.ro/whois/ ), domeniul este inregistrat de 7 ani. Deci nu l-au considerat obscen. Ah, daca ziceam labagii.ro, atunci da. Dar cuvantul "onanist" este un cuvant acceptat, care nu este cenzurat nici la TV. Deci CNA-ul il permite.
Daca va mai pot fi de folos cu ceva, eu va stau la dispozitie.
Ma bucur sa constat ca va respectati clientii si mi-ati dat posibilitatea de a ma apara.
Totusi, pe viitor, cred ca o eventuala suspendare ar trebui sa vina ca o consecinta a unei decizii judecatoresti. Cu toata stima, dumneavoastra sunteti doar un host, nu instanta de judecata. Politia si Judecatoria sunt in masura sa suspende saiturile care incalca legislatia in vigoare. Si au facut-o deja cu unele saituri. Cred ca stiti cazurile si dumneavoastra.
Eu cam atat am avut de spus.
Va multumesc!
cu deosebita consideratie,
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Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde Mike_XXX » Mie Mar 22, 2023 12:02 pm

Mesajele de acest tip vor fi șterse și utilizatorii care abuzează, banați!
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Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde INDIFERENCE99 » Mie Mar 22, 2023 12:05 pm

O întrebare doar , trebuie sa plătesc ceva pentru a decenii membru premium ?
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Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde Mike_XXX » Mie Mar 22, 2023 12:06 pm

Nu; doar să ai activitate pe forum. Minimum 100 postări care aduc și conținut.
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Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde INDIFERENCE99 » Mie Mar 22, 2023 12:06 pm

Ok mulțumesc .
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Re: Acces sectiune cereri/request

Mesajde rmst » Mie Mar 22, 2023 12:50 pm

rmst » 21 Mar 2023, 17:33 scrie:Avand in vedere situatia neplacuta,vad ca pentru multi,va rog,evitati mesajele si mai ales repetitive de tip Up,da,nu,e buna,emoticoane s.a.m.d.Inteleg ca vreti sa ajungeți la un număr de mesaje,dar nu asa,nu mesaje tip spam.
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Membru din: Sâm Dec 31, 2016 1:25 pm
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Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde rmst » Mie Mar 22, 2023 1:14 pm

Deja a inceput spam-ul cu mesaje de genul
E buna/merge/frumoasa/sexi/muita/etc.
Nu zic ca e interzis sa scrii asta, dar cand faci 100 FIX mesaje de genul ala in juma' de ora,ala e spam. Se da ban fara discutii!
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Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde Mike_XXX » Mie Mar 22, 2023 1:53 pm

Asta ziceam și eu mai sus. Cei care abuzează, n-o să mai aibă acces deloc!
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Orientare sexuală: bisexual

Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde Nicu89 » Mie Mar 22, 2023 2:56 pm

Cel mai bine
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Re: Acces restricționat la secțiunea cereri?

Mesajde Ab12cd345 » Mie Mar 22, 2023 4:15 pm

Alt mod in care putem deveni premium ? Contra fost sau alt mod fara a da 100 mesaje
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