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bucket hat

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bucket hat

Mesajde Grace Rosalind » Mar Noi 17, 2020 11:14 am

As a Marxist, I bucket hat would argue that the only way to counter the rise of populist parties is to restore the language of class struggle and radical equality. It is to show that poor whites and poor non-whites have far more in common with each other that they do with elites in their respective communities, and that state-driven identity politics (e.g. multiculturalism) have in fact helped reinforce social inequalities at the national and international levels.

Simply dismissing them as racists has worked well in the past. For example, when Griffin made those loathsome claims about Muslim males "mistreating" "white" girls in some godforsaken hellhole "oop" north, the authorities quite rightly responded by putting him on trial and trying to imprison him. The buck hats anti-racist community applauded  and quite rightly. We can see now see that the vile racist narrative about Muslim males singling "white" girls out for rape was wrong. Muslim males were (and are) doing it to girls in their bucket hats own community too:that Muslims constitute a social problem for the West.

Multiculturalism and "anti-racism" didn't produce the Muslim pathologies on display in Rotherham and Tower Hamlets: it merely allowed them to be freely expressed. It is not rational for a liberal to support mass immigration from the Third World: it is suicidal. That's "liberal" in the genuine sense. Marxists and other non-liberals welcome mass immigration because it can be used to justify authoritarianism, including the destruction of free speech.Again, if you want hat accuse people of being  scientific illiterates', it helps not to be one yourself.

The fact that some men of Pakistani origin may, unlike Saville, have  soaked [girls] in petrol and threaten to set on fire' or  made money from running a prostitution ring of under-age girls' has no bearing on my point that  The fact that some men of Pakistani origin were involved in grooming gangs is no& evidence that "Muslims constitute a social problem for the West"'. It is as logical as suggesting that because Ian Brady and Peter Sutcliffe and Fred West were, unlike the Rotherham abusers, mass murderers, so whites are more  pathological' than Muslims or constitute a  social problem for the West'.

What is  scientifically illiterate' is to imagine that because some people in a group commit terrible acts, so that hats group is in some sense necessarily  pathological'.You suggest that immigration from Third World countries must end because such immigration undermines free speech and liberal values. It is not the first time you have come on Pandaemonium to make that claim; I have answered you every time, and you have simply ignored the facts and the arguments. It is getting tiresome, so let me be brief this time. What you are confusing are peoples and values . People of North African or South Asian parentage do not inevitably cleave to Imagine a different set of values than those of European ancestry.
Grace Rosalind
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Mesaje: 3
Membru din: Mar Noi 17, 2020 10:46 am
Orientare sexuală: homo
Puncte de reputaţie: 0


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